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Re: [Emacspeak] Phasing out the Mac speech server?

A lot of this sounds  like highly corporate busy work, and I intend to
do none of that -- or at least not yet.

1. The next Emacspeak release will go out as is the source tree at the
   end of this month.
2. mac-voices works perfectly well as of now with switfmac and mac so no change.
3. After this release, I'll be marking servers/mac deprecated,
   i.e. it'll get no changes unless we can find an owner (unlikely).
4. In the version after this one, I'll mark servers/mac obsolete, ie
   users use it at their own peril and get to keep both pieces when it braks.
5. Next year, I'll move servers/mac to the attic, and that will also
    have given us enough time to see if we need a  separate


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