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Re: [Emacspeak] Matching parems in newer versions of Emacspeak

Have a look at the paren-matching customization group (M-x
customize-group <ret> paren-matching). It has a number of options which
affect how Emacs provides feedback regarding matched or unmatched
parens. For example, the amount of context provided, whether it provides
context only for off screen parens, whether it just blinks and doens't
provide additional context etc. 

In general, when wondering how to customize behaviour when using
Emacspeak, I find it is best to start with the basic emacs
customization. Most of the time, emacspeak just works with whatever
emacs does. In this case, various options for paren matching offered by
emacs provide text in the echo area, which is automatically spoken by

One thing to watch out for is echo area contention. Many emacs
major/minor modes use the echo area to communicate
information. Sometimes, information can be lost when multiple bits of
information are sent rapidly, one after the other. For example, I have
had issues in the past where a programming mode is using eldoc mode to
provide info about the current function under point and because this
information is sent directly after the information match paren sends, I
only hear the function description text, missing the details regarding
the matching paren. I fixed this issue by changing the eldoc
configuration so that either it had a greater delay or it only provided
feedback based on a key binding. 

"Alan Ghelardi" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hello there.
> After upgrading recently to the latest version of Emacspeak I noticed a change in the way how Emacspeak speaks
> matching parems in other than Lisp-like languages. For example in Golang when I move the point near to the end curly
> bracket of an if block, Emacspeak reads the opening curly bracket, but not the preceding clauses what waste the
> understanding of nested blocks.
> I took a long time to upgrade Emacspeak, so I am not sure when this behavior was introduced. Is there any
> configuration to tweak this behavior for specific modes? I was examining the function emacspeak-speak-matching-paren
> and thought of possible patches: maybe changing    the function to speak from the beginning of the line when the
> character isn't a parentheses and the mode is neither lisp nor clojure (sounds error-prone) or introducing a specific
> config that could be adjusted per mode (I can open a pr if needed). But I'd like to hear your experience/opinions   on
> that.
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