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Re: [Emacspeak] Swiftmac fails to download repositories while building?


I just tried on a fresh machine, works fine here. No idea why you would 
get git failures getting the Ogg library. What errors in specific are 
you getting and do you get them if you do: 

cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/arkasas/OggDecoder.git

that is basically what it does on your behalf in the build process. 

> On Jun 13, 2024, at 20:28, Victor Tsaran (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Robert.
> I just had to install an Emacspeak repository from scratch on one of the Mac OS machines and, while trying to build Swiftmac, encountered a bunch of failures during the repo checkout. Basically, the ogg-decoder repository could not be downloaded.
> Just wanted to let you know.
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Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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