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Re: [Emacspeak] Question about best way to install and configure emacs and emacspeak in m1 MACs


I will clarify that point in the guide. 

Since you compiled swiftmac, it generated a binary as the output of 
the build process. You run that binary (executable code) directly in 
the terminal as a way of confirming it is working. 

Generally this will be done by if you are in the emacspeak root, 
which you should be typing: 


which will then load swiftmac if the compilation worked, and the 
commands I give just confirm it is working, then you can exit it 
by typing tts_exit, or hitting Control-D or Control-C. 

> On Jun 18, 2024, at 10:29, Argiris Koumtzis <argiris.koumtzis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Roburt,
> This guide is great. Just a small question when you say to run the binary directly to test the server what does it mean? I am sorry if this is a stupid question and thanks again for your time.
> Cheers,
> Argyrios

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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