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[Emacspeak] up/down arrow keys in tabulated-list buffers...

Raman, et al;

Curious if anyone else sees this before I delve in.

Emacspeak HEAD as of today, and also from the prior June 2nd 2024 build
that I was running.

My emacs is 29.2 Macport emacs-mac from homebrew.

Arrowing up/down in buffer menu, package menu, process
list...etc. results in the cursor and spoken field being 1+ whatever
field I was on before the move.

Thus, an immediate left arrow right after moving up or down is required
to get back to the original column.

I observed the strangeness also after restarting emacs with an init.el
and custom.el as stripped down as I can get away with.

A quick study of emacspeak-tabulated-list.el doesn't reveal what I might
obviously explore next.

I am assuming the observed behavior is *not* intentional, but please


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