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Re: [Emacspeak] How can I set the prefix?

"Tim Cross" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> outline why you feel it is necessary

I'm trying to unlearn 25 years of Emacs usage with C-e as EOL,
as I now try to use the END key. I do however use it frequently, when
I'm not typing on my Moonlander keyboard, my CharaChorder or my
Twiddler, cause standard keyboards have a weird END key placement.

> I think this is a really bad idea. There are a number of complications
> which will arise if you do this.
> [..] deal with the underlying assumption that the package changes
> move-to-end-of-line bindings [..] this will break things and you will
> have to spend significant time debugging what it breaks. 

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying;). Can it be set to
something else, at all? I tried to set it to "C-a" in
emacspeak-keymaps.el, but that failed, as well. Does it absolutely have
to be "C-e"?

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