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[Emacspeak] Tip: spelling corrections in flyspell-correct

Hi all,
Just discovered this workaround today and thought I’d share it. In case anyone else has an even better workaround to achieve this, please feel free to reply.
So, one of the problems I have is that sometimes, I want to spell the correction that flyspell-correct provides. Sometimes it is so that I learn the right spelling, and sometimes it is that there isn’t much of a change in the way they are read with the TTS I’m using, so I want to double check that I’m choosing the right one.
One way I found today to do this is using Helm. I do love Helm, and I have to say, Raman’s improvements to Emacspeak to handle it have been awesome. One problem I have, though, is that the helm help (accessible by C-h m) is a custom interface they’ve built, which doesn’t play well with Emacspeak.
That’s why this gem is hidden and very hard to find.
Here is the gem: when you are on a choice while using Helm, pressing C-c C-y will yank it into the “pattern”, which you can navigate using C-f and C-b for next and previous character. So, assuming that you have Helm installed:
1. To test this out, customise the variable flyspell-correct-interface to “flyspell-correct-helm”.
2. Now, open a buffer, turn on flyspell-mode, and misspell a word, like “theraputic”.
3. Now, press C-x . To call flyspell-correct-at-point, and press the down arrow to select the first suggestion.
4. Finally, press C-c C-y to yank it into what Helm calls the “pattern”. Now you can use C-f and C-b to double check the spelling as usual.
Also, I mentioned that the Helm help has a custom interface and isn’t readable. The ways I’ve found to read it are 2 things:
1. When in the Helm interface, press C-h m to open the help. Then press q and get out of the Helm interface, and use C-x b, then search for the buffer named "*Helm Help*”. If you switch to that buffer, that’s the same buffer, without the custom key bindings.
2. You can also press C-x c h h to get a concatenated Helm help, where all the interfaces are combined into one buffer.
Hope this helps someone save some hours!

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