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Re: [Emacspeak] Installing BRLTTY

I did it once a long time ago. From what I remember, the only way to get BRLTTY to work on Mac OS is to compile the code on your own. This will not be straightforward though.
As Jason suggests though, it is probably better to subscribe to the BRLTTY list and ask there.
Please keep in mind that there is no dependency or interoperability between BRLTTY, Emacs and/or Emacspeak.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 10:35 AM "Jason J.G. White" <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 16/10/24 10:57, Jeff Dittel (via emacspeak Mailing List) wrote:
> I would like to get Braille working with emacspeak. To do this my understanding is that you have to install BRLTTY. I have tried to install it using home-brew on my Mac and am getting the error that BRLTTY cannot be found. Does anyone know how to install BRLTTY on a Mac?

I would suggest subscribing to and asking on the BRLTTY mailing list. I
don't know whether compiling for MacOS has been tested recently.

You might also be able to use the Braille support in VoiceOver for MacOS
alongside Emacspeak, turning speech off in VoiceOver. In either case, it
would probably be best to run Emacs in a terminal rather than as a
graphical application (i.e., emacs -nw).
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