Has anyone else had google searches stop working in the last few days? The sequence ctrl-e <ret> testing google search<ret> yields Summary: 0 Nodes Matching //\*\[\(\@id\="main"\)\] in document. the same search returns results when run from chrome. This happened about the same time I was configuring rclone and getting a client id for rclone but that is probably coincidence. More likely google just changed format slightly so the regexp isn't working. Before I dig can someone else let me know if they can reproduce? This is with emacs 29.3 under ubuntu 24.04 and using emacspeak master from github. cheers Peter -- Peter Rayner (he/him), Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne mobile +61 402 752 379 zoom id 4431343191, join at <https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/4431343191?pwd=a1E5Z3JEOTRVQUJsaVdRbVUvR1QyZz09> mail-to: peter.julien.rayner@xxxxxxxxx google scholar: <https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=H3up71wAAAAJ&hl=en> I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I work, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, and pay my respect to their Elders, past and present I am sending this email when convenient for me, please only respond when convenient for you
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