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emacspeak-ss-0.7: Speech servers for emacspeak

I have uploaded to the blinux ftp site:

	emacspeak-ss-0.7.tar.gz     44015 bytes

New with this version:

The indexing support for the Apollo server has been fixed.  Much
thanks to Andrea <andrearo@xxxxxxxxxxx> for his patient testing, and to Bob
Gildea for obtaining a loaner that finally let me get it working.
(The Apollo uses the serial port in a really nonstandard way!)  If you
will be using the Apollo server, please check out README.apollo.

The script "testit" records even more context in its output file

Speech servers for other synthesizers are unchanged.

I reprint the package description below.

                            - Jim Van Zandt

This package has servers for four synthesizers under emacspeak:
  1) DoubleTalk PC (internal) version 5.20 or later and DoubleTalk LT
version 4.20 or later from R. C. Systems <http://www.rcsys.com/>, and
the LiteTalk version 2.10 or later.
  2) Braille 'n Speak, Type 'n Speak, and Braille Lite from Blazie
Engineering <http://www.blazie.com>
  3) Accent SA
  4) Apollo 2 from Dolphin

You can access the Blinux FTP archive through:
You'll find the package in the  blinux/emacspeak/blinux/ directory

There is also a copy of the server at my web site: 

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