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Re: Emacspeak 9.0

I will go and re-get the emacspeak rpm from the Blinux site.  As for your
suggestion of installing the x11 stuff the problem is I am on a laptop I
have only 1 gig free for linux and I can't have all the space taken up by
x11 maybe there should be two rpm's one for xwindows one without?

Ken /whsitler

On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 wlestes@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I'm cc'ing to the emacspeak list so this will get in the archives.
> > Well being that I didn't install xwindows it first errored and said that I
> > didn't have emacs in the /usr/bin.  Well that is because when you don't
> > install xwindows it installs emacs as emacs-nox.  From there it said error
> > with dtk_voice.  I just tryed compiling the emacs tgz file and it to
> > errors right there could this be a problem with redhat 5.2?
> 1: either create a symlink called emacs in /usr/bin pointing to
> emacs-nox or install the emacs-X11 package (with the attendant XFree86
> packages to keep the dependencies satisfied).
> 2: exactly what error messages are being generated by exactly
> which commands?
> 3: this is most likely not a problem with redhat 5.2--although you
> would want to check their errata pages when you think this is or might
> be possible.
> 4: do you have all the programs required by emacspeak installed?
> --Will
> (i append some of my previous post as it contains information you
> still want to consider.)
> > > the 9.0 source tarball has a bug which ignores the DTK_* environment
> > > variable settings.
> > > 
> [snip]
> > > however, you will want to install X to keep some emacs packages happy
> > > as their authors write for an X-aware emacs (which is not the same as
> > > an emacs running under X).
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