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Re: Installation question


It sounds like your "normal" users don't have the right access
permissions for the serial device. What you need to do is make sure 
your user is a member of the same group as the serial device and that
the permissions for the group have read/write permissions to the
serial device. Don't worry, its easy to do. 

Unfortunately, you don't say what linux distribution you are using, so
I'll have to be a little more general in describing what to do. Here
is what I'd try. 

As root, try changing the group associated with the serial device
to the group "users" (a fairly standard group on most
systems). If your serial device was /dev/ttyS0, you would enter
(running as root) -

chgrp users /dev/ttyS0

See below if you get an error message saying that the "users" group is invalid.
You should also set the read/write access for group by entering (still
running as root)

chmod g+rw /dev/ttyS0
If you get an error message saying users was an invalid group, you
will need to create the users group or choose another group. All
groups are defined in the /etc/group file. To add a new group called
users you would add a line like


Make sure the number you use is not being used by another group. For
example, on my system, I have the line


This makes the users tcross and cosmo members of the users group and
as such have read and write permission to /dev/ttyS0 (assumeing you
did the chmod mentioned above). 

You can then check things by doing an ls -l on the serial device to
check its group and access permissions e.g.

crw-rw-r--   1 root     users      4,  64 Jun  2 00:51 /dev/ttyS0

and then do an "id -Gn username" to see what groups your user is and
make sure they are a member of the same group as the one assigned to
the serial device. If I do an "id -Gn cosmo" I get the output -

cosmo floppy users

which tells me that cosmo is a member of the groups "cosmo", "floppy"
and "users". You make have different groups on your system (in
particular, red hat does a funny thing with creating a group for each
user which has the same name as the users login name. Hope this gets
you up and going. 


Lawrence Baggett writes:
> I have installed linux on a PC,
> including emacs20.3.  I have then installed emacspeak10.0
> successfully.
> That is, root gets speech.
> However, a second user that I have added does not get speech.
> I have given that new user the same .profile and .emacs files
> as root.
> These files are simple;  they set the dtk-program to dtk-exp
> and the port to the correct serial port.
> They both then call /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/eamcspeak-setup.el.
> The permissions on that file,
> and all the emacspeak10.0 directory seem to be correct, i.e., rw-r-r.
> The only thing I can imagine is that there is some
> "group" problem with my new user.
> I don't know anything about changing a user's group designation,
> so I hope it's not that.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot.
> Larry
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