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Re: Question on Installing EmacSpeak and Linux


The Laptop-HOWTO at www.linuxdoc.org has a link to "Toshiba Linux Support"

Try looking for your specific model at "Linux on Laptops"
where people have described their knowledge & experiences with
installing Linux.

Does your Toshiba laptop have a CD-ROM drive?  To install Debian
GNU/Linux on a 80486 Compaq laptop I went out and bought a CD drive
that attaches to the parallel port.  By following these instructions I
got the drive working:

My version of linux is 2.1 which has Emacspeak 8.  In just a little
while version 2.2 will be available with Emacspeak 11 and many other
newer versions of packages that it depends upon.

=== Robert Cymbala : cymbala@xxxxxxxxxxx : POB 861117, LA, CA, 90086-1117
===   Attorney: "I don't think it's right but I think it's expedient.
===   Juries can sometimes be very stupid and it's just as well not to
===   worry them with more evidence than they can conveniently deal
===   with."
===   Waiter: "Too bad rubber won't grow in a civilized climate, sir."
===   THE LETTER (1940) - A suspense film directed by William Wyler.

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