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Re: Document authoring systems in Emacspeak

The ideal environment for this purpose is one in which the user can switch
between a fully rendered, audio-formatted interaction with the document,
and a mode in which element and attribute details are announced. It should
never be necessary to listen to the syntactic aspects of the markup
language (angle brackets, quotation marks, etc.) in the case of
SGML/XML-based formats, though this option should naturally be available
as well.

In recent conversations on this topic, the utility of a combined browsing
and editing environment, designed essentially along these lines, has been
made clear to me, by T. V. Raman, Charles McCathieNevile and others. The
suggested approach was to develop an interface between Emacs and an
implementation of the W3C Document Object Model (DOM). Like all of Raman's
technical proposals, this one is based on sound principles of design and
would make appropriate use of existing technologies. The main problem is
this: finding someone who has the time and resources to implement the

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