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[FYI] SourceForge Project Approved

This was fast: I applied for permission at 2am this morning.

  From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxx
  Subject: SourceForge Project Approved
  To: garym@xxxxxxxxxxx

Your project registration for SourceForge has been approved. 

Project Full Name:  A Gentle Introduction to Emacspeak
Project Unix Name:  emacspeak-guide
CVS Server:         cvs.emacspeak-guide.sourceforge.net
Shell/Web Server:   emacspeak-guide.sourceforge.net

Your DNS will take up to a day to become active on our site. Your shell
accounts will become active at the next 6-hour cron update. 


Enjoy the system, and please tell others about SourceForge. Let us know
if there is anything we can do to help you.

 -- the SourceForge crew

Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@xxxxxxxxxxx>  TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems: http://www.teledyn.com
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers."(Pablo Picasso)

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