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Re: terminal echo problem

It is true that using term will also fix the crlf problem.

However M-x shell is quite convenient for doing work over
ssh --as long as you dont run vi or emacs at the other end
--typically this is what I use at present when logging in to
sourceforge for setting things up there.
Since I dont have a need to run full screen apps there I
typically just do the ssh from inside a shell buffer --and
have the stty settings fixed by the .profile file at the
other end.
--at which point you should definitely go to use the remote
with emacs running remotely.
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason White <jasonw@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Jason> Using a remote server would definitely be your
    Jason> better option. Meanwhile, be sure to use the
    Jason> terminal emulator (M-x term) rather than shell
    Jason> mode (M-x shell) when connecting to the remote
    Jason> system.

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