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Emacspeak 13.0
>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Tim> First off, I'd like to thank Raman for releasing a
Tim> new version with even more
Tim> enhancements/extensions. As usual its worth every
Tim> cent (and a lot more!).
where's the cheque?
Tim> I have just a couple of questions -
Tim> 1. I notice in this new version that mini-buffer
Tim> prompts behave differently. Rather than getting the
Tim> whole of the text showen in the minibuffer, I now
Tim> only hear the last part, usually the part following
Specify version of emacs and speech synth.
what you describe does not happen in my own usage
--so there might wel be something you're loading in your
.emacs that might be causing it--
run emacspeak without your .emacs and check first.
Note that what you are describing *will* happen under the
present Emacs 21 pretests --though those are not generally
available yet.
Tim> the : in the text. For example, when opening a
Tim> dired buffer instead of getting dired directory ~/
Tim> spoken I now just get ~/ and it seems the part
Tim> before the : is being skipped. The same with many
Tim> other commands I've tried. This is not a huge
Tim> problem, but it does mean that you don't hear
Tim> "default" values in some prompts which I use to
Tim> find useful and I quite liked the feedback
Tim> confirming I had hit the right key. For example,
Also, ensure there is no mixing of old and new installations.
Tim> under vm when you hit s to save an e-mail, you
don't get spoken feedback on what is the current
Tim> default save folder (normally the last folder saved
Tim> to). In dired when you do operations like rename,
Tim> copy etc, you don't get a prompt saying something
Tim> like "rename myfile to ~/ - instead I just get
Tim> ~/. So, is this a new "feature" designed to cut
Tim> down the amount of speech or a bug or a new
Tim> configuration option?
Tim> 2. I'm very keen to try out the sawfish support as
Tim> that is the window manager I use. In fact, the
Tim> original reason I installed this window manager was
Tim> I thought it would provide the best possability for
Tim> getting some speech support in a window manager (as
Tim> it is lisp based). So far I have not been able to
Tim> get it to run on my system. I have edited the files
Tim> in the sawfish directory so that they fit with my
Tim> installation, but no luck (it is early days). I
Tim> just wanted to find out what versions of sawfish
Tim> this has run under (to compare with my
Tim> version). Also, do you need to be running the
Tim> speech-server on the system before you start an
Tim> xsession (I'm guessing you need to run the
Tim> speech-server from what I've been able to see in
Copy the sample sawfishrc to your home directory
as ".sawfishrc"
--notice that that file does a
--that function is defined in tts.jl and launches the
dectalk speech server by default.
If you change it to use outloud,
and emacs launches and starts talking --timing issues
may cause the speech server launched by sawfish to give up
--after emacs is done starting up
--do M-x sawfish-interactive
--and evaluate the form
--you need to install sawfish.el to get command sawfish-interactive
Tim> the code). Are there any extra tricks/steps which
Tim> need to be done which are not obvious from looking
Tim> at the sawfish lisp files and the sawfishrc file?
Tim> I've confirmed the speech-server is working
Tim> correctly by using C-e M-r within emacspeak and by
Tim> telneting to the port its listening on (I left this
Tim> as 2222). I'm running the latest version of sawfish
Tim> and helix gnome. I was running an older version
Tim> initially, but decided it was probably best to
Tim> upgrade to the latest version (0.33.1).
the newer the version the better
Tim> I don't mind putting some time into getting the
Tim> sawfish/emacspeak combination working as it would
Tim> be very useful and I've been sort of looking for a
Tim> lisp project to work on in my spare time (I've not
Tim> really done any lisp apart form hacking my emacs
Tim> config file) and I think it wold be a really great
Tim> extension to the emacspeak environment (I've
Tim> certainly wanted something to help navigate around
Tim> my X windows for some time) and an chance to
Tim> develop some lisp skills.
Tim> finally, I noticed in the emacspeak/etc file a perl
Tim> script called last-log.pl. Looking at the code I
It's what I use for emitting the name of the host I logged
in from into .emacspeak/current-hostname --
Tim> can work out what it does, but I'm not sure what
Tim> purpose its supposed to fulfill. Can someone fill
Tim> me in?
Tim> thanks
Tim> Tim -- Tim Cross NorthNet Internet Services mailto:
Tim> tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx phone: +61 2 6772 5973
Tim> mobile: 0412 969193
Tim> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tim> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tim> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change
Tim> your address on the emacspeak list send mail to
Tim> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
Tim> "unsubscribe" or "help"
Best Regards,
Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/
PGP: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc
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