Hi friends,
I installed emacspeak-12.0-1.noarch.rpm.Then i
installed ViaVoice_TTS_rtk-5.1-1.2.i386.rpm and typed "source /etc/profile" at
the command line as prompted.Then i installed
ViaVoice_TTS_sdk-5.1-1.2.i386.rpm and played a synthesised sound by going to
/usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/samples/cmdlinespeak and typing "./runcmdlinespeak" and a
voice came up saying "Hello this is ViaVoice Outloud for Linux".During ths
installation of sdk there was a failed dependency for something called
"libXm1", but i proceeded with the installation using the "--nodeps"
Now, What further
configuration i need to do and most importantly what should i do in emacs to
make emacspeak work?
Thank you.