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hearing the previous message

 control e a  runs the command emacspeak-speak-message-again
   which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `emacspeak-speak'.

Speak the last message from Emacs once again.
>>>>> "RAYNER" == RAYNER Peter <ray060@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    RAYNER> A quick attempt to search the archive didn't
    RAYNER> find anything on this but I presume someone has
    RAYNER> worried about this before.  At various times
    RAYNER> with emacspeak I hear the previous rather than
    RAYNER> current contents of the message area.  I notice
    RAYNER> this particularly when running something like
    RAYNER> save-some-buffers "c-xs".  I used to notice this
    RAYNER> too when running emacs under telnet+speech in
    RAYNER> DOS and presume it's something about the way it
    RAYNER> writes messages to the echo area.  It's no
    RAYNER> disaster, I'm quite used to it, but in a quiet
    RAYNER> moment waiting for a computation to crash I
    RAYNER> thought I might ask whether anyone else had (a)
    RAYNER> noticed and (b) worked around this one.  thanks
    RAYNER> again Peter Rayner

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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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