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Re: Loss of w3

>>>>> "Dmitry" == Dmitry Paduchih <paduch@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Dmitry> PS. Emacspeak version 1.24 is a CVS revision
    Dmitry> number I think.

If you are using the cvs snapshot note that 
the version number reported by C-e v is not very useful 
since that is just the revision number of file emacspeak.el
--the way CVS works each file has a different version number 
depending on how many times it's been checked in --and it's
most useful to specify the version number of the specific
module in question.

Also, if you use the CVS version you're expected to do more
than simply  throw up your hands as you appeared to do last
time around--
for instance you sent out a backtrace claiming it was
emacspeak causing the error where there was no emacspeak
call involved in the backtrace at all.

    Dmitry> Thanks again, Dmitry

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