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Re: emacspeak speech server

I have read several postings here stating that speech servers provide
an abstraction of some generalized speech device for emacspeak. This
point being amusingly simple and attractive isn't so evident for me
however. Indeed, emacspeak distribution contains the modules


and I personally use modules


which came separately from main emacspeak distribution.

At least for their names I would assume that emacspeak contains some
knowledge about implementation related issues: dtk, tcl, outloud, and

I also can't consider layer structure to be the main difference
between emacspeak and screen readers for MS environment because audio
environments in MS world do essentially provide very similar
structure. Take for example Jaws:

At the top layer you have windows, the do everything, do anything
system. The layer below that is Jaws which works a bit like an
interpreter of the text and actions performed within the system. Jaws
produces sounds and text speech-enabling the system and passes this
text to the next layer, the SAPI.

All this of course despite the fact that I prefer emacspeak to be my
audio environment. <smile>

Best regards,

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