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[Q/A] For the archives

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    Jennifer> OK, some things work when Emacspeak is
    Jennifer> launched.  Thanks for the tip!  *grin*
>From  the Emacspeak press release:

Independent Test Results

Independent test results have proven that unlike some modern software,
Emacspeak can be easily uninstalled without adversely affecting the continued
performance of the computer. These same tests also revealed that once
uninstalled, the user stopped functioning altogether.

Bottom-line --bad things happen to you if you dont run

    Jennifer> Now, I have another question related to the
    Jennifer> first one.  In the ~/emacspeak/lisp directory
    Jennifer> there are a whole slew of .el and .elc
    Jennifer> files. My understanding is that these files
    Jennifer> are what allows certain Emacs applications to
    Jennifer> be emacspeak-enabled. 

This is correct --in general emacspeak-<foo>.el
speech-enables emacs application <foo>

    Jennifer> BUT, I believe that although these files exist, users still need
    Jennifer> to download and install the applications
    Jennifer> themselves.  

Yes --this is correct --
thus, emacspeak-vm.el speech-enables mail reader VM
--but you need to download and install vm separately.
See the "applications" page on the Emacspeak WWW site.

Other apps are bundled with emacs and dont need downloading
emacspeak-dired.el speech-enables dired which is bundled
with Emacs.

Jennifer> For example, M-x cd-tool works
    Jennifer> fine now, but only when I'm using emacspeak.

cd-tool.el is an Emacs application I wrote --so in this
sense  it is different from emacspeak modules that add
speech to existing emacs apps --cd-tool has the speech
hence no emacspeak-cd-tool.el

    Jennifer> If I try to start it from emacs when I'm *not*
    Jennifer> using Emacspeak, I get the error "no match."

Because it's not a stock Emacs app but something that is
bundled with Emacs.

Human: Gimme light
UNIX: No match

    Jennifer> So I suspect something is being loaded along
    Jennifer> with Emacspeak, but not being too familiar
    Jennifer> with Emacs, I'm not exactly sure what. Plus,

    Jennifer> the application I downloaded is called
    Jennifer> "cdtool" (no hyphen) and runs fine that way

cdtool is the underlying application that runs at the shell level.
cd-tool.el is just an emacs wrapper that runs cdtool under
     the covers.
    Jennifer> Another instance of this is the application
    Jennifer> mpg123.  It runs fine from the command line.
mpg123 is a command-line player.
In this case, someone other than me wrote the emacs wrapper 
and I wrote emacspeak-mpg123.el to add speech to it.
So if someone else other than me had written cd-tool.el
then you would have to download and install cd-tool.el--
and emacspeak would have had an emacspeak-cd-tool.el that
     added speech to cd-tool.el
    Jennifer  Can you explain how the apps, the .el
    Jennifer> and .elc files, and the M-x command are
    Jennifer> interacting?  Also exactly what I'd need to do
    Jennifer> to get something like mpg123 working, given
    Jennifer> that I've got it downloaded and installed 
Basically, the way it all works is that as the emacs user you
install and load emacs apps e.g. vm to read mail, mpg123 to
play mp3s etc.  Some of these emacs apps may rely on other
things on the  system, e.g. sendmail to send mail,
or mpg123 to play mp3.  Finally, emacspeak provides
speech-enabling modules and sets  emacs up so that
the speech enabler gets loaded when you load the related
emacs app.

So if you load mpg123.el (or the .elc file) in a running
emacspeak session --emacs (because of emacspeak) wil pull in
emacspeak-mpg123.el after mpg123.el is loaded; this will go
in and add speech to all of the commands in mpg123.el Now
when you type M-x mpg123 you're running mpg123 like any
emacs user, but the think talks thanks to emacspeak.

    Jennifer> -j

    Jennifer> Jennifer E. Jobst Linux Information
    Jennifer> Development IBM Linux Technology Services
    Jennifer> (512) 838-8298, T/L 678-8298

    Jennifer>                     tvraman@xxxxxxxxxxx n.ibm.com
    Jennifer> To: Jennifer E Jobst/Austin/IBM@xxxxxxxxxxx cc:
    Jennifer> 09/19/2001 Subject: Re: Questions 07:23 PM
    Jennifer> Please respond to tvraman

    Jennifer> Have you launched emacspeak?  If you have
    Jennifer> installed emacspeak and are running it then
    Jennifer> your load-path should be set.

    Jennifer> in that case emacspeak has configured things
    Jennifer> so that when you do M-x cd-tool then
    Jennifer> cd-tool.el gets loaded.  the info directory
    Jennifer> should be a sibling of the lisp directory.

    Jennifer> -- Best Regards, --raman
    Jennifer> ------------------------------------------------------------

    Jennifer> IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
    Jennifer> Phone: 1 (408) 927 2608 Fax: 1 (408) 927 3012
    Jennifer> Email: tvraman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
    Jennifer> http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman PGP:
    Jennifer> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman.asc Snail: IBM
    Jennifer> Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road San
    Jennifer> Jose 95120

Best Regards,

IBM Research: Human Language Technologies
Phone:        1 (408) 927 2608
Fax:        1 (408) 927 3012
Email:        tvraman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:      http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman
PGP:          http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman.asc
Snail:        IBM Almaden Research Center,
              650 Harry Road
              San Jose 95120

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/             
PGP:    http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc 

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