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Re: connecting to ISP

I use a Linux dialer called wvdial. It is pretty easy to setup.
Here is what you do if you use wvdial.

Open a shellwindows with alt+x and type shell.
Then, assuming wvdial is installed type:

wvdialconf >/etc/wvdial.conf

This will probe your modem, and create a basic wvdial.conf file. Then, flip
over to the /etc directory and open the wvdial.conf file in Emacs with the
c-x c-f command.
Once in the file put in the name of your isps domain, user name, password,
and make sure to uncomment those lines.

Save the file, return to the shell buffer, and enter the command:
wvdial &

Don't forget the and sign because it will put the dialer in the background.
Assuming all is well it will dial up, and you will be  in business.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marty & Pat Moore <mmoore@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: connecting to ISP

> I've just installed w3. What's the preferred way to connect to by ISP
> in emacspeak?
> Thanks,
> Marty
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