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You need to turn on the appropriate room monitor --go read
the docs that is part of emacspeak-erc.el
>>>>> "Saqib" == Saqib Shaikh <ss@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Saqib> Hi, I would like to use ERC, the Emacs IRC
    Saqib> client, which I believe is
    Saqib> speech-enabled. However, it does not talk
    Saqib> automatically. Text is written to the buffer but
    Saqib> I must manually read the buffer which is quite
    Saqib> hard in a chat environment - am I doing something
    Saqib> wrong or is Emacspeak's support for ERC limited
    Saqib> in this manner?

    Saqib> Regards, Saqib Shaikh

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Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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