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Re: problem installing viavoice

I had some problems installing viaVoice on a debian 'woody'
system. From memory, the problem was because the
/usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/eci.ini file was missing and the ECIINI
environment variable was not set. I think these are normally handled
by rpm post-install scripts (I used aliean to convert the rpm to a deb
package). I also think I had to install some older libstdc++ libraries
(but I may have done this before I realised the eci.ini file was
missing. Sorry I can't be more specific, it was a while ago. However,
I can say I've been running emacspeak, emacs21 and ViaVoice on a
debian woddy system for some time now - so its certainly can be done. 

I would check which libraries I have installed, but I'm on my home
system which is still redhat 6.2

Cheryl Homiak writes:
> I am running debian woody, trying to install viavoice as an experiment on
> my machine because I may be putting it on somebody else's.
> Downloaded and instlled both the sdk and the rtk.
> Tried to run a test with ./runcmdlinespeak from the
> /usr/lib/viavoicetts/samples/cmdlinespeak directory.
> Got the following, even though I know my libraries are up-to-date (maybe
> this is an old library?):
> error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++--libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot
> open shared object file: no such file or directory
> Has anybody seen this and, if so, what do I need to do about it?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> 				Cheryl
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