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Re: faq: installing w3

Hi. There are really two ways in which to install w3. The first and
easiest, especially if you're going with 4.0 pre-46 is to just get the
RPM package 


If you're on a system that uses RPMs that is. If not, what you need to
do is this: 

1. Download and unpack the tarball. 
2. cd to the directory this creates. 
3. type ./configure.
4. type make.
5. type make dotemacs 
6. type make install. 

It will be sort of a strange install. It will appear as though the
package didn't install completely as it should, but mine works
great. I don't guess I can get the full benefits of emacs-w3 4.0-pre47
until I put emacs 21.0 or later on here. 

With regard to all that byte-compiling, you're 100 percent
right. Those files need to be compiled for speed reasons, but that's
all in the make files that the configure script generates from the

I hope this helps. 

Doug Smith: The Righteousness of GOD,
Son of GOD,
Joint Heir with CHRIST 
and Keeper Of The Light.

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