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Completion problem

Thank you for spotting this --the cvs version has all uses
of [DEL] replaced with "\d">>>>> "KIRIAKE" == KIRIAKE Masanori <seiken@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    KIRIAKE> Hi, all.  I'm using Emacs21-CURRENT CVS tree. I
    KIRIAKE> understand Emacs21.2 has some problem.

    KIRIAKE> When comletion buffer displayed, Emacs produce
    KIRIAKE> error message "emacspeak-view-setup-keys: To
    KIRIAKE> bind the key DEL, use "\d", not [DEL]".

    KIRIAKE> I created patch to emacspeak-view.el.

    KIRIAKE> Please change emacspeak-view.el file.

    KIRIAKE> thanks.

    KIRIAKE> --- Sei Ken

    KIRIAKE>  --- emacspeak-view.el.~15.4010.~ Mon Jan 28
    KIRIAKE> 20:43:55 2002 +++ emacspeak-view.el Sat Feb 9
    KIRIAKE> 14:58:30 2002 @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
    KIRIAKE> 'outline-next-visible-heading) (define-key
    KIRIAKE> view-mode-map "\M-p"
    KIRIAKE> 'outline-previous-visible-heading) (define-key
    KIRIAKE> view-mode-map " " 'scroll-up) - (define-key
    KIRIAKE> view-mode-map '[DEL] 'scroll-down) +
    KIRIAKE> (define-key view-mode-map '[\d] 'scroll-down)
    KIRIAKE> (define-key view-mode-map "P" 'dtk-pause)
    KIRIAKE> (define-key view-mode-map "R" 'dtk-resume)
    KIRIAKE> (define-key view-mode-map "S" 'dtk-stop)

    KIRIAKE> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    KIRIAKE> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or
    KIRIAKE> change your address on the emacspeak list send
    KIRIAKE> mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with
    KIRIAKE> a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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AIM: TVRaman
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