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Re: DAISY reader et al
Here is what happened --
I ran into Markku Hakkinen at the W3C Cannes plenary
reception in early March and when I asked him on the status
of things in DaisyLand --he told me about the myriad of
commercial players being built for Windows.
So I asked him for a sample so I could write one for Linux.
Along with a copy of the Daisy 3 spec, he gave me
"The complete fairy tales of Charles Perrault"
allegedly in in Daisy3 format --
after coming home I wrote a player for it one evening.
I say "allegedly" above because the navigation xml file I
got from him does not validate either against the DTD he
gave me then or the eventual Daisy3 spec.
The functionality that is implemented is documented in the
online info pages; when and if Daisy3 content becomes
available --and that content is something I want to read
i.e., not just fairy tales-- I will probably add to what the
emacspeak daisy player does.
>>>>> "Janina" == Janina Sajka <janina@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Janina> Raman; Ann's question about the DAISY reader in
Janina> Emacspeak 16 reminds me to ask a similar
Janina> question of you.
Janina> The docs say this is a device for reading
Janina> DAISY3content. But, there are yet no titles in
Janina> this format. Indeed, I'm not aware that DAISY
Janina> has yet adopted ANSI Z39.86 as DAISY3, though
Janina> they certainly will.
Janina> So, here's the question ...
Janina> What titles did you test with?
Janina> --
Janina> Janina Sajka,
Janina> Director Technology Research and Development
Janina> Governmental Relations Group American Foundation
Janina> for the Blind (AFB)
Janina> Email: janina@xxxxxxxxxxx Phone: (202) 408-8175
Janina> Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book
Janina> Forum (OEBF) http://www.openebook.org
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Best Regards,
Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/
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