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- To: Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: ssh-outloud
- From: "T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:33:59 -0700
- In-Reply-To: <E17H1Uv-0001Ro-00@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resent-Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 21:40:22 -0400 (EDT)
- Resent-From: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Resent-Message-ID: <"Jwrhn.A.jaG.lOVB9"@hub>
- Resent-Sender: emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
--upgrade to the latest versions before complaining like the
luser that you at least are not.
>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Bart> Hi all, I have been experimenting with the
Bart> ssh-outloud speech server.
Bart> It is all working fine with the small exception
Bart> that the code in dtk-speak.el which sets up the
Bart> outloud specific voices etc checks only for the
Bart> "outloud" speech server and not "ssh-outloud" this
Bart> results in lots of funny punctuation being spoken
Bart> and no voice changes as emacspeak is feading
Bart> dectalk speech commands to outloud. It works fine
Bart> for ssh-dtk-exp as it's caught by the default case
Bart> which is dtk-exp anyway.
Bart> For the moment I've just changed the check to
Bart> ssh-outloud rather than outloud as the machine i'm
Bart> working on doesn't have a soundcard so it was the
Bart> easiest solution.
Bart> Just thought I'd better point this out in case
Bart> noone else has come across it before.
Bart> Bart
Bart> Bart
Bart> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Best Regards,
Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/
AIM: TVRaman
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