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EFlite Was: Re: ViaVoice SDK

Dave Hunt <dave.hunt2@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> option you might consider for tts is Festival Lite, (aka flite), and
> the emacspeak server called EFlite.  the Festival Lite tts engine is
> available at <http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/flite/index.html>.  EFlite
> is available at <http://eflite.sourceforge.net>.  Both are distributed
> as source tarballs.

YOu can get precompiled flite and eflite packages for debian from
ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/f/flite/ and

> I have switched from viavoice to eflite.

I still didn't do it, but it's nice to know there actually *is* an alternative
when library breakage starts to be a serious problem.


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