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Re: Where from to download ViaVoice outloud

I would say at a guess since it is commercial and cost
$50 that it is neither "free" in any sense, nor based on any free
software. For the $50US you get the runtime, no sources and you are
restricted to the normal restrictions applying to commercial
software. At this price, even a poor student or someone who is just
interested in trying it out should be able to afford it. 


>>>>> "Robert" == Robert J Chassell <bob@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Robert>     Another possibility is the Commercial DECtalk Software
 Robert> engine Is the `Commercial DECtalk Software engine' based on
 Robert> free software or restricted software?  Is it a `free
 Robert> Commercial DECtalk Software engine' or a `restricted
 Robert> Commercial DECtalk Software engine'?  You did not tell us,
 Robert> and the difference is important, if you want students to be
 Robert> able to study and cops to go after the kinds of people who
 Robert> most consider crooks.

 Robert> -- Robert J. Chassell Rattlesnake Enterprises
 Robert> http://www.rattlesnake.com GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
 Robert> http://www.teak.cc bob@xxxxxxxxxxx

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 Robert> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address
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Tim Cross
Senior Analyst/Programmer
Applications Group - Information Technology
University of New England
 Phone: +61 2 6773 3210
   Fax: +61 2 6773 3424
E-Mail: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
   Web: http://www.une.edu.au/itd/systems/systems.html
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