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Re: What is this problem with Via Voice

Vijay Kumar <vijayk@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 	This problem is been with Via Voice TTS. I had installed Via Voice 
> for the speech synthesizer for emacspeak. The problem is, I am able to 
> execute and test the outloud script in 
> 	/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers specifically in two
> users one is root one other general user without any priviledges  and
> am getting an error in all other users. Everything is working fine in root
> and one other user, am getting the % prompt and am able to execute text to
> speech commands and all is fine.

Check that the user you are trying to start the synth under
is having proper access to /dev/dsp.  Most system have
a audio group.  Its possible that on your system, /dev/dsp can
be accessed by group audio, and you just need to add
those users to that group.


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