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Re: Emacspeak-w3m announcing URI instead of anchor text?

Thanks, works beautifully!


Dmitry Paduchikh writes:
 > Try (remove-hook 'w3m-after-cursor-move-hook #'w3m-print-this-url)
 > >>>>> "JW" == Jason White <jasonw@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 > JW> Using W3m-el 1.3.3 and W3m 0.3, I notice that Emacspeak-w3m is
 > JW> announcing the URI of each link whenever w3m-next-anchor (bound to the
 > JW> tab key) is called.
 > JW> I have updated Emacspeak to the latest version from CVS but the
 > JW> problem persists. I have also looked into emacspeak-w3m.el; the advice
 > JW> surrounding w3m-next-anchor does exactly what one would expect - it
 > JW> invokes an audio icon, then calls the appropriate function to speak
 > JW> the anchor text. Upon reading the code somewhat further I couldn't
 > JW> find any obvious cause. I did notice that the anchor text of the
 > JW> various links I visited appeared in the "messages" buffer.
 > JW> Before I try to delve into this further, are there any suggestions?
 > JW> The w3m-el package was taken from Debian, if this makes any
 > JW> difference. I suspect there may be a version mismatch somewhere, but
 > JW> this is only a guess.
 > JW> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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 > Regards,
 > Dmitri
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