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Re: Error when building Emacspeak 18.0

    Hello Barak,

>>>>> "BZ" == Barak Zalstein <Barak.Zalstein@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

BZ> The problem was that on a "default"  RedHat installation (workstation instead of server/customized)
BZ> The file cus-dep.elc is installed but not the file cus-dep.el .
BZ> One solution was to install Emacs from source.
BZ> Another solution was to upgrade the distribution and install all the packages (something I should have
BZ> done in the first place), which solved many many issues.
BZ> Please check the archive from the last few days for details.

One question comes to mind: why does Emacspeak require the source
version of cus-dep instead of compiled one? Didn't you try to replace
-l cus-dep.el with -l cus-dep in the makefile?


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