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Re: emacspeak causes gnus not to work

Wow - I do almost exactly the same thing! Its very useful when you
want to swap versions etc. 

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason White <jasonw@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Jason> T. V. Raman writes:
 >>  The recipe for starting emacspeak from one's .emacs has been
 >> posted numerous times on this list --

 Jason> On the subject of which, my initialization file (actually a
 Jason> byte-compiled Emacs Lisp file called from .emacs) says: (load
 Jason> (concat (getenv "EMACSPEAK_DIR") "/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el"))

 Jason> The EMACSPEAK_DIR environment variable is set in my .profile
 Jason> file and points to the CVS version of Emacspeak under my home
 Jason> directory. If there is ever a problem with this version - not
 Jason> likely given Raman's skill as a software developer - I can
 Jason> just change the variable to refer to the "released" version of
 Jason> Emacspeak under /usr/share.

 Jason> I mention it just in case some experienced Emacspeak users
 Jason> find this strategy useful.

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