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Re: Availability of Emacspeak

Christopher and Robert:

Please share how it is that I would add a file to my info tree.

-- Hugh

At 04:48 PM 8/5/03 -0400, Christopher Moore wrote:
>Is your essay available in an info file somewhere?  I thought I'd stick it
>in my info tree.
>I'm also a new emacspeak user and I'll take your advice and stick with and
>not expect to learn it all in a day or week.  Coming from a screen-reader
>environment, there is much more to learn than just a few keystrokes for
>reading chunks on the screen.  I suspect once I begin to gain a comfort
>level with emacs it will feel much like a windows desktop user with
>multiple buffers holding files, file-manager, mail news and browser
>applications, and even a terminal for good measure.
>Thanks again for your encouraging essay.
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