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Problem with emacspeak, Redhat 9, Doubletalk LT

Greetings.  We're trying to set up emacspeak for a graduate student here.
This is our first experience with the program.

We're running Redhat linux 9, fully patched, so far as I know.  We have a
hardware synthesizer, a "Doubletalk LT", attached to the first serial port
on the system, /dev/ttyS0.

We've installed emacspeak-18.0-1 from an RPM file, and it's running "on
top of" emacs 21.2.1.

We have the following environment variables defined:

	export DTK_PROGRAM=dtk-mv
	export DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyS0

When we start emacspeak, say as:

	emacspeak hw

we hear a bit of technobabble from the Doubletalk LT, including the phrase
"all my circuits are working perfectly", after which we hear nothing.

I.e., we don't hear the contents of "hw", we don't hear additional words
read to us as we type, etc.

On the other hand, if we type something into the file, say, "this is
Friday night", then the NEXT time we start emacspeak, we hear the phrase
"this is Friday night" some place among the technobabble.  This suggests
that words are going from emacs to the synthesizer, but they're not being
spoken at the right time (to say the least).

Can anybody offer suggestions as to our next move?  Thanks.

					- Mike
Michael Hannon            mailto:hannon@xxxxxxxxxxx
Dept. of Physics          530.752.4966
University of California  530.752.4717 FAX
Davis, CA 95616-8677

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