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Re: Need help getting dtk-soft working on Debian Woody system

Here it seems the soundcard.h file belongs to libc6-dev or libc5-altdev
Now regarding the dtk-soft speech serveur, you must run it with tcl so
the proper commandline is :
tcl /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/dtk-soft

Sorry but I can't help you for the stdiom.tar.gz package, I never used
it ...

Dave Hunt <dave.hunt2@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hello,
> I have installed the DECTalk runtime for Linux from Fonix and built
> the library in
> "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/software-dtk".  Also, I
> have installed the pre-compiled binary of stdiosynth, found in the
> "stdiom.tar.gz" tarball from the Blinux file archive into "/usr/bin".
> When I try running
> "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/dtk-soft", I get a "no
> such file" message regarding stdiosynth, and a "notes not initialized"
> message from the server program, then, silence.  I am not returned to
> the shell from which I called the server.  Incidentally, I know
> the "say" program works.  Finally, I tried building my own binary of
> stdiosynth, and got an error message "/usr/lib/oss/soundcard.h" not
> found.  
> Two questions:
> What is wrong with the pre-compiled binary of stdiosynth?  Even when
> this binary is located on my path, the shell cannot find it.  Also:
> Which Debian package(s) contain the header files for OSS?  
> Thanks,
> -Dave
> System:  Emacs-20.7.2;
> Emacspeak 17;
> eflite speech server;
> Debian Woody 3.0.
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