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Re: Problem using Dectalk driver.

"Tom and Esther Ward" <tward1978@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi.
> Let me explain what I have done, and where I am now in solving this problem
> i am having.
> 1. Say works fine, and gnopernicus also is working with the Dectalk RT, but
> I had to copy the libs into/usr/lib in order for say to find the libs. If
> there is something else I should have done to get the default location to
> work let me know.
Yes, edit your /etc/ld.so.conf file and add the following line in it :
save the modifications and after that run the following command in a
> console as root :

> 2. I have set the EMACSPEAK_DIR variable in my /etc/profile to point  to:
> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak
> 3. I have installed the software-dtk rpm which installed tcldtk.so to
> emacspeak.
> 4. I ran tcl dtk-soft, and it bombs out with the following error:
> "Error: couldn't load file
> "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/software-dtk/tcldtk.so":
> libtcl.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>     while executing
> "load $tclTTS/tcldtk.so"
>     (file "dtk-soft" line 305)"
> Do you have any ideas or suggestions on where to go now? I think I am close,
> but missing something somewhere.
Do you have installed tcl and tclx ? also you must install the
developppement package corresponding to these two packages. Here on a
Debian I have the four folloowing packages installed :
tcl8.3 tcl8.3-dev tclx8.3 tclx8.3-dev
After that perhaps you will have to recompile dtk-soft on your system
directly instead of using the one you installed from rpm.
Hope it helps,
> Hth.


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