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Re: Problem with emacspeak-21.0 with flite & eflite
- To: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: Problem with emacspeak-21.0 with flite & eflite
- From: Mike Gorse <mgorse@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 07:20:13 -0500 (EST)
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- Resent-Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 07:24:22 -0500 (EST)
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If you have a line in the script setting DTK_TCL, then you need to change
it to set DTK_PROGRAM instead.
Could Raman or someone tell me when this was changed? I really need to
update the eflite documentation.
-- Michael Gorse / AIM:linvortex / http://mgorse.home.dhs.org --
On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, Kalyan Mukherjea wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have tried building emacspeak-21 from emacspeak-21.tar.bz2. I had
> been (and in fact now) using Emacspeak-17.0 with flite and eflite as
> the speech machines. I start emacspeak with the script
> "emacspeak-eflite " written by Robert J.Chassells who posted it on the
> list.
> Make config and make emacspeak seemed to proceed without any
> warnings; I am attaching the output in the files `config.log' and
> make.log' respectively. But when I did su root and make install there
> were two errors no.2 and no.127.
> But the trouble is that emacspeak-21 doesn't speak at all! I recovered
> by going to /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp as root and doing rm -Rf
> emacspeak and then re-installing emacspeak-17. Could anyone suggest
> what could be done to get version 21 working.
> I am running Fedora Core 2 and I do have tclx installed.
> TIA.
> Kalyan
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