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RE: Printing input to dectalk software

interseting; you're right. This used to work; but I've not used
it in a while as is obvious.

Could you trace through the code to see if something has been disabled?

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Galron <galron.3@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Daniel> By "no success" I mean that the *speaker* buffer is
    Daniel> empty. Nothing appears in it. I toggled debug, reset
    Daniel> the server, opened up a web page, did C-e b, and then
    Daniel> opened up the *speaker* buffer and it was completely
    Daniel> empty.
    Daniel> -----Original Message----- From: T. V. Raman
    Daniel> [mailto:raman@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday,
    Daniel> July 13, 2005 10:55 PM To: galron.3@xxxxxxxxxxx Cc:
    Daniel> emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Printing input to
    Daniel> dectalk software
    Daniel> Define "no success"?  Toggle debug, then restart the
    Daniel> server by hitting c-e c-s you should find the thing
    Daniel> you're looking for in buffer
    >> From the onlien documentation:
    Daniel> dtk-toggle-debug is an interactive Lisp function in
    Daniel> `dtk-speak'.  It is bound to control e d b .
    Daniel> (dtk-toggle-debug &optional PREFIX)
    Daniel> Toggle state of the debug FLAG.  When debugging is
    Daniel> on, you can switch to the buffer *speaker* to examine
    Daniel> the output from the process that talks to the speech
    Daniel> device by using command C-e d C-M-b.  Note: *speaker*
    Daniel> is a hidden buffer, ie it has a leading space in its
    Daniel> name.
    >>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel A Galron <galron.3@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Daniel> Hi, Are there any settings in emacspeak (some sort of
    Daniel> debug settings, for example), that would print the
    Daniel> input to the speech synthesizer from emacspeak
    Daniel> (i.e. print out to the screen all the commands that
    Daniel> emacspeak sends to the dectalk software) in some
    Daniel> buffer? I've searched, but haven't found anything (I
    Daniel> tried using the dtk-toggle-debug with
    Daniel> tts-show-debug-buffer) but with no success.
    Daniel> Thanks, Daniel
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    Daniel> -- Best Regards, --raman
    Daniel> Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
    Daniel> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/ AIM: emacspeak PGP:
    Daniel> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc

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