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shell under emacs

Eeeek! What was I thinking. The shell command history is reached using
M-p and M-n not C-p and C-n. You may also be able to use C-<down
arrow> and C-<up arrow>. Just got home from a bad day at work and
wasn't typing what I was thinking!


mooncar@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
 > Hi!
 > I have installed emacs with speech support,now it works well,but the boy 
 > who is using that tells me he needs to use the command M-x shell, in emacs.
 > Is it possible to recall the commands that he have just issued,
 > like in the linux shell out of emacs?now he must re-type the commands...
 > I have tryied to find a solution but I don't use that program-I only
 > installed and tryied if it's working- so if someone can help...
 > thanks in advance,
 > veronica
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