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Re: Multispeech (Was: Using emacspeak with speech-dispatcher)

>>>>> "Gilles" == Gilles Casse <gcasse@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Gilles> T. V. Raman writes:
    >> please rebuild the patch against the cvs snapshot the day
    >> you email it out.
In fact I rebuilt this patch against the 27th March CVS
    Gilles> snasphop. It has been applied successsfully to the
    Gilles> current CVS snapshot.
    Gilles> Thank you for taking in account the Multispeech
    Gilles> patch; the URLs are copied at the end of this post
    Gilles> [1].
    Gilles> The persons who would like to try out Multispeech
    Gilles> could patch the Emacspeak CVS snapshot using: bzcat
    Gilles> emacspeak-multispeech.patch.bz2 | patch -p0
    Gilles> and install Mutispeech and the related softwares
    Gilles> (MBROLA, enlex, ru_tts). Visit please, the Igor
    Gilles> B. Poretsky's ftp site:
    Gilles> ftp://ftp.rakurs.spb.ru/pub/Goga/projects/speech-interface/
    Gilles> Igor proposes Debian packages too: deb
    Gilles> ftp://ftp.rakurs.spb.ru/pub/Goga/debian-packages
    Gilles> sarge main non-free deb-src
    Gilles> ftp://ftp.rakurs.spb.ru/pub/Goga/debian-packages
    Gilles> sarge main non-free
    Gilles> Best regards,
    Gilles> Gilles
    Gilles> [1] The URL is:
    Gilles> http://oralux.org/tmp/emacspeak/emacspeak-multispeech.patch.bz2
    Gilles> Its md5sum:
    Gilles> http://oralux.org/tmp/emacspeak/emacspeak-multispeech.patch.bz2.md5
    Gilles> value: a5259544cc2b18c8f5fc1a6432b01686
    Gilles> -- Oralux http://oralux.org
    Gilles> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Gilles> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
    Gilles> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
    Gilles> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
    Gilles> "unsubscribe" or "help"
Gilles --

Thanks for the good work and a really clean piece of code. I have
applied your patch, verified the build and checked it in. 

I assume you and others will test that the code actually does the
right  thing with the multispeech engine.

Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
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