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Re: SourceForge CVS
- To: listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: SourceForge CVS
- From: "T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 18:11:31 -0700
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- Resent-Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:16:35 -0400 (EDT)
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and no offence taken, I was just pointing out where it came from.
The current version does the safe thing by trying the call that
one should use, followed by the call that one needs to use.
Incidentally I also believe you're incorrect in repeatedly
asserting that Viavoice TTS engine has the bugs; that code has
been running a long time in many different environments, and it's
safe to assume that it in fact is not the source of the bugs. The
bugs are in the Linux sound layer which has always been a
second-class citizen on Linux; alsa does a little better in this
regard, but it still has a long way to go
>>>>> "Lukas" == Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Lukas> I apologize for being a bit slobby in my previous
Lukas> mail. I was refering to the version of atcleci.cpp
Lukas> that Tim mentioned in his initial post (version
Lukas> 21.39), in particular to the call on line 235, which
Lukas> is actually
Lukas> snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_time
Lukas> and is already changed to the _max version in the
Lukas> current CVS (21.43). Anyway, no offence was meant at
Lukas> any time.
Lukas> Best regards, Lukas
Lukas> T. V. Raman writes ("Re: SourceForge CVS"):
>> For the record, the alsa config code in the emacspeak
>> server is taken from the examples that are in the doxygen
>> directory of alsa-lib --- so any bugs there are not mine
>> but directly descended from Alsa
>> >>>>> "Lukas" == Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Lukas> Hi Tim, A utility for checking out card parameters
Lukas> will certainly be useful to many peaple here.
Lukas> I believe that the apparently superfluous tests in
Lukas> alsa_configure are to do automatic parameter selection
Lukas> by default and if that fails, the user can initialize
Lukas> some of the variables to a non-zero value and the
Lukas> automatic setting will be skipped. The use of the
Lukas> snd_pcm_get_period_time function in the place it is
Lukas> currently used is most likely a bug however.
Lukas> I also have one machine where the period size is by
Lukas> default 16, which is far too low for a buffer size for
Lukas> the eci callback (chunk_size). Choosing chunk_size as
Lukas> a multiple of the cards period size and about a
Lukas> quarter of the alsa buffer size has given me good
Lukas> results. As we ar using interlieaved mode, I believe
Lukas> that the actual value of the period size is not that
Lukas> important.
Lukas> By the way, I believe that most crashes I see are due
Lukas> to bugs in the ViaVoice speech synthesis code. I have
Lukas> been recording the communication between emacspeak and
Lukas> outloud to see what could trigger the crashes but have
Lukas> not yet been able to draw any meaningful conclusions.
Lukas> Best regards, Lukas
>> >> Hi Lukas, > >
Lukas> Thanks for that, you saved me a bit of time. In fact,
Lukas> after a little > thought and a bit of judicious
Lukas> scanning of the alsa docs (I'm new to > alsa), plus a
Lukas> little very simple utility program I wrote to dump out
Lukas> > my cards hw parameters, I've managed to get things
Lukas> working really well
>> >> in just over an hours work over lunch. > > Here is
>> what >> I've
Lukas> discovered: > > The snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_time
Lukas> will work if you have saved your > earlier settings
Lukas> prior to calling it. I believe what is happening is >
Lukas> that once you have selected the mode, format, rate
Lukas> etc, then the call > will work. I guess by the time
Lukas> you have selected the other parameters, > the possible
Lukas> buffer size choices have been constrained enough for
Lukas> the > function to identify a specific size. >
>> >> I guess we could do one of two things. Put a call to
>> set >> the >
Lukas> parameters prior to calling this function or test the
Lukas> return code from
>> >> snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_time and if its less than
>> 0 >> then call >
Lukas> snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_time_max. The problem
Lukas> with the second > solution, as you pointed out, is
Lukas> that you may end up with an overly > large buffer and
Lukas> get underruns etc. However, I did notice the result >
Lukas> from calling the function after having set and saved
Lukas> the earlier > values seems very small (16), especially
Lukas> when compared tot he max value. > > Something I did
Lukas> notice when looking at the code is there are a couple
Lukas> > of if statements which don't appear to be really
Lukas> doing anything - I'm > guessing they are an artifact
Lukas> from when Raman was developing the code. > For
Lukas> example > > if (buffer_time == 0 && buffer_frames ==
Lukas> 0) { > > both buffer_time and buffer_frames are
Lukas> initialized to 0 and this is > the first time they are
Lukas> referenced, so the test is always true. I've > not
Lukas> removed them yet, but unless I'm missing something,
Lukas> there doesn't > seem to be any reason for them to be
Lukas> there. > > I wrote a very simple utility which dumps
Lukas> out my cards hardware > settings. Using the values
Lukas> from this, I created a new .asoundrc file > which
Lukas> appears to have fixed all my underrun problems. I'm
Lukas> going to > clean it up a bit and send it to the list
Lukas> just in case someone else > finds it useful. > > One
Lukas> very good thing about the new atcleci.cpp code is that
Lukas> it seems *a > lot* more stable. In fact, rather than
Lukas> the server dying every few > minutes, it has not died
Lukas> for me in nearly an hour so far. I'm thinking > this
Lukas> could be due to your suggested additions to add the
Lukas> functions to > free up resources correctly - the
Lukas> crashes could have been due to > resource
Lukas> limitations. At any rate, its working remarkably well
Lukas> now. >
>> >> Another interesting discovery I made is that the
>> ViaVoice >> eci.ini
Lukas> file > appears to be slightly different in current
Lukas> versions than the older > one. I decided to generate a
Lukas> new one using the initgen utility just to > check
Lukas> there had been no changes in later versions of
Lukas> ViaVoice. The one > generated by initgen has some
Lukas> extra header fields not in the original > i.e. > >
Lukas> [1.1] > Path=/opt/IBM/ibmtts/lib/eng50.so >
Lukas> Version=5.0 > Concatenative=1.0 > CallbackFlag=0x3f >
Lukas> ... > ... > > regards, > > Tim > >
Lukas> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Lukas> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lukas> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
Lukas> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
Lukas> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
Lukas> "unsubscribe" or "help"
>> --
>> Best Regards, --raman
>> Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
>> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/ AIM: emacspeak GTalk:
>> tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx PGP:
>> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc Google:
>> tv+raman IRC: irc://irc.freenode.net/#emacs
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Best Regards,
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