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Error: Could not load libibmeci.so

I got new hardware and had to install viavoice again.  I am having a
problem that I cannot find any information on.  If anyone can send me
pointers to documentation, it would be very helpful.

I downloaded the cvs version today, 24 may, and built and installed it.
When I build the atcleci.so I get a lot of cpp warnings, but I do not
think they are important.  Something about pointers and something not
being kosher with the ANSI standard.  Anyway, the atcleci.so and the
other files build, but when I try to run 


I get these errors:

Error: Could not load libibmeci.so
Please install the IBM ViaVoice Outloud RTK
    while executing
"load $tclTTS/atcleci.so"
    invoked from within
"if {[file exists /usr/include/alsa/asoundlib.h]
    && [file exists  $tclTTS/atcleci.so]} {
    load $tclTTS/atcleci.so
    proc closeDSP {} {
    (file "../outloud" line 349)

so I made sure that the file was there:

locate libibmeci.so

So I know the file exists here.  Is there something I need to do to add
the path to the file to a libpath or something?  I don't remember having
this issue before, and I can find anything in the archive to help.

By the way, I am running Debian testing right now.



Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

Another good night not to sleep in a eucalyptus tree.

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