- To: Yvonne Thomson <yvonne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: freetts on ibook
- From: Willie Walker <William.Walker@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 07:59:24 -0400
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> Well, I managed to get emacspeak to find it ok, admittedly it was a
> hack, but it did work. I simply created a dummy server that did nothing,
> and set emacspeak to remote connect to the server as soon as it started.
Good. For me, that's always been the hardest part.
> I have no idea, though, why this just didn't work on os x. It was either
> too slow, or there was something weird going on with the buffering,
> because it just couldn't read large blocks of text.
Hmmm...very odd, and I'm sorry to hear about the problems. I wonder if
there might be something in the content of those large blocks of text
that make FreeTTS fail?
I wish I had the time to help debug this problem more. Unfortunately,
though, I'm under a massive crunch to get Orca V1.0 into GNOME 2.16.
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