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Sorry, I forgot to send this to the list...

Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> T. V. Raman writes ("Re: just a newbi problem, want to use festival, not flite with emacspeak"):
>> Robert, I was not aware that there are gnus settings for using
>> GMail; could you summarize them for me?
> This would indeed be very interesting. The only way I can use gMail at
> the moment is via pop3/smtp. Used like this, it is just like any other
> mail account (though with a lot of storage), but many of the cool
> features are lost.

I am not sure about the other features, as I have never really used a
gmail account.  I had just seen on gnu.emacs.gnus that it was being used
in some way.

Dr. Raman, does this mean that I don't get the shirt?


Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

My sister opened a computer store in Hawaii.  She sells C shells down
by the seashore.

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