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Re: can emacspeak properly anounce font attributes in pdf and html?

    will it not be good if even blind people create visually appealing
    documents for sited people?

Texinfo does that.

Besides enabling you to create documents that are efficient for
listening, from a single source file, Texinfo enables you to create
documents that sighted people like.  Indeed, most of the work
involving Texinfo is by and for sighted people.

As a reminder,

    With makeinfo and texi2dvi, you can readily create seven output
    formats from a single Texinfo source file directly:  Info, plain
    text, HTML, DVI, PDF, DocBook, and XML with a Texinfo DTD.

    Also, using dvips, html2rtf.pl, and rtf2latex, you can create
    PostScript and RTF in two steps and LaTeX in three steps.
    That is: PostScript, RTF, and LaTeX

      Bob uses .docbook and .texinfoxml as extensions for files in the
      two XML formats, DocBook and XML with a Texinfo DTD.

        ## Info
        makeinfo --no-split --fill-column=70 --paragraph-indent=0 --verbose \

        ## Plain text
        makeinfo --no-split --fill-column=70 --paragraph-indent=0 --verbose \
        --no-headers --output=foo.txt foo.texi

        ## HTML
        makeinfo --no-split --verbose --html foo.texi

        ## DVI
        texi2dvi foo.texi

        ## PDF
        texi2dvi --pdf foo.texi

        ## DocBook
        makeinfo --docbook --no-split --paragraph-indent=0 \
        --verbose --output=foo.docbook foo.texi

        ## XML with a Texinfo DTD
        makeinfo --xml --no-split --paragraph-indent=0 \
        --verbose --output=foo.texinfoxml foo.texi

         # /usr/local/src/texinfo-4.8/util/texinfo.dtd

            # Create DVI if we lack it
            texi2dvi foo.texi

        ## PostScript (needs DVI)
        dvips foo.dvi -o foo.ps

            # Create HTML if we lack it
            makeinfo --no-split --html foo.texi

        ## RTF (needs HTML)
        # Use OpenOffice to view RTF
        /usr/local/src/html2rtf.pl foo.html

        ## LaTeX (needs RTF)
        rtf2latex foo.rtf

    As a practical matter, four output formats seem most important:
    Info, HTML, DVI, and PDF.

    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    bob@xxxxxxxxxxx                         bob@xxxxxxxxxxx
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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