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need a complete emacspeak manual, any URL?

till now I was reading small chunks of emacspeak manuals, ones which
are very basic and have a few commands.
I am now well with text editing and manipulating.  but I want a full
comprehencive and all inclusive manual on emacspeak.
probably on line or downloadable version.
for example one which can start with details on installing emacspeak
with flite and mbrolla voices.
and then  going on into much more advanced topics like html helper mode etc.
I also want to know if there is any way I can get emacspeak to assist
me in coding for c and python.  for example helping me complete
function names etc in c?  I suppose once the header like stdio.h is
included, I can just say fop and press some key combination to
complete it to fopen?  so that code completion (intellisence) can be
may be I am missing a url or two, can some one help?

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