- To: listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: listing the most user friendly apps with emacspeak.
- From: "T. V. Raman" <raman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 18:15:28 -0700
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For local mail delivery, you can also use procmail directly by
having the following in your .fetchmailrc:
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"
>>>>> "Lukas" == Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Lukas> krishnakant Mane writes ("Re: listing the most user
Lukas> friendly apps with emacspeak."):
>> I have a single machine right now running emacs and
>> emacspeak. so I will have to setup fetchmail and
>> emacspeak on the same machine. by the way which mail
>> transfer agent will be best for vm? I am new to all this
>> hence the query.
Lukas> VM does not care what MTA you use. If you are on
Lukas> Debian, I would do the following: Use exim for local
Lukas> delivery and msmtp (the one recommended by Kalyan) for
Lukas> sending your outgoing mails to gmail via smtp. The
Lukas> reason for exim is that fetchamil requires a real MTA
Lukas> to be running which msmtp is not.
Lukas> When installing exim with apt-get, you will presented
Lukas> with a choice of your kind of setup. Choose "Local
Lukas> delivery only", which should be all that is needed.
Lukas> Now configure fetchmail to get incoming mail via pop3
Lukas> from gmail. You will need something like the following
Lukas> in your ~/.fetchmailrc file:
Lukas> # Google Mail poll pop.gmail.com proto pop3 user
Lukas> "<your gmail address>" with #password "<your gmail
Lukas> password>" is <your local username>" here ssl;
Lukas> Then set up VM to get mail from the local spool-file
Lukas> for your user.
Lukas> For outgoing mail, configure msmtp and VM according to
Lukas> Kalyan's instructions. You could also use exim for
Lukas> this but, it is probably much harder to setup then
Lukas> msmtp because gmail requires authentication and
Lukas> encryption for sending mail too.
Lukas> Nothing of the above setup is emacspeak specific, so
Lukas> you can use it with other mail clients like pine as
Lukas> well.
Lukas> Best regards, Lukas
Lukas> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lukas> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
Lukas> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
Lukas> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
Lukas> "unsubscribe" or "help"
Best Regards,
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